Sunday, October 4, 2009

10 Reasons why girls are luckier than men

Yes Girls complain a lot about everything. They do not realize that sometimes their meekness gives them an advantage :P

I am not declaring that girls are lucky as compared to the men, but sometimes girls do get away with stuff. Stuff which guys cannot get away from. I can come up with an even longer list but these are the points which came like a fast buzz, I didnt have to make them up ;)

1. Girls can rant about equal rights all they want, but when it comes to getting the front seats in some public transport or some other event :D they instantly claim "the women respect". And they usually get it.

2. Girls can talk about all the emo stuff in the world with their best friends.... Guys cant do that :D :D their friends are too macho to listen :P Guys need US for that :P

3. Girls can wear all the pink in the world.. :D Can u guys dare to wear it? :P even if u like pink! i mean pink isnt a bad colour! You cannot be a boy in pink and a badass at the same time :D :D

4. Its really hard for guys to keep the "not gay" label :P. The maximum a girl would get for being boyinsh would be a "tomboy" label.. which isnt bad.. and if they are way too girly, then they wud be called "girlish"... still attractive for guys :D

guys... muhahha... u say ANYTHING emo... or do anything emo.. SEE anything emo.... YOU GET STUCK with beeeep... "gay" :D

5. Girls dont have to work... ! not if they absolutely want to. Guys...! GO WORK! :P

6. Girls are daddies favourites... And daddys are the bosses :D. Momz like their sons, but they have to beg the DAddys in the end :P

7. When it comes to difficult situations, girls can get away with being... ammm.. girls... they can cry cry cry n lean on the guy's shoulders.. Guys are the one who are supposed to HANDLE the situation ;)

8. WE, the women , live longer than the men :D


yes the average woman can expect to live until she is 81 years of age!! Men however live the maximum of 75! Men also have higher rates of heartattacks :P

Men can get colourblind :P Women cannot, not unless they have some really twisted genes!

Well there are some diseases only specified for the females, but anyway we are talking about MEN here :D

9. Men are also much more likely to commit suicide. I read somewhere that men commiting suicide is more common than women, its because of social expectations from men about not expressing their emotions, and dealing with the situatuons and solving the problems on their own. Well who asked you to! You shouldnt have taken the responsibility in the first place.

10. Girls are smarter. And I will get a lot of curses and criticism on this point but hear me out!

I read somewhere that girls have a smarter brain relative to men. The only reason why guys outperform girls in math or other technical thingies is because of the environmental factors. If you remove the environmental factors (primarily including gender discrimination) girls do as well as the boys do.. or even better.

And ALSO.. girls have better reading and writing skills than men... If you remove the environmental factors in this case, the reading skills increase manifold :D :D

haha, girls are smarter.. thats not me talking, thats science...

Despite all these points, its less about genders and more about the individuals. Men and women are not to be taken as MEN and WOMEN. They should be taken as people. Individuals! ;) You might be a man, and be better in reading and writing than I am. Who knows ;)

Monday, September 28, 2009

.... and its moments like these which make me realize that the best decision of my life was to stay single ;)

Yes, I read a post by a certain someone about all the things he hates in us, the women, and honestly it had me in splits..but dude.... You GOTTA look at your breed carefully.. Contemplate...ARE YOU ANY BETTER ? :P

1. I hate guys who love to be the machos, out of the fear of being called gay. They are unable to reveal their mooning, mushy side to the JOCKS and the DUDES that surround them..but ohohoooo watch them talk to their girls n the middle of the night, They transform into ULTIMATE NEEDY puppies. "Dont leave me"..."Ammm (deeep sexy hurtful voice).. i was amm(still deep) so upset when u hung up last night that ammmm(depth at its peak) i finished a whole pack of cigs for you (now it starts cracking)"
Pfffff ..hahahahaa.. get a life :D admit that its only cuz you are an imbecile OCCASINAL chain smoker :D

2. I hate it when guys stereotype girls into categories. Just because a girl is happy go lucky in nature somehow gives them a signal that she is THE FLIRT..
just because a girl is quiet and shy.. gives them the clue.. ohohooo the GAL is deeep..
and just because a girl wants to dress up nicely for her ownself...
ooo the DESPO...confession! women dress up to brag to other women ! :P they want to show off their clothes to THEM! not YOU guys=p

3. I hate it when guys ki "khushfehmiyaan" take their imagination to the heights of ridiculousness. "That girl was totally checking me out"
"I saw her looking at me when i gave her the notes"
uhhh.. so?
"So dude!! SHE WANTS ME!!!"

HA HA HEY HEY HO HO HAH! (thats what i think) :D

4. I hate it when guys want to be with some girl desperately, make a cheap move on her and then upon rejection deny ever having hit on the girl... The way they act like they were'nt even saying what they said, instead start blaming the girl for her over-imagination. Hahaha

5. I hate it when some guys forget to look in the mirror before going out. And then find the prettiest girl in the room to hit on.... The confidaaaance is commendable indeed :P Guys who go for the looks ONLY trying to find the perfect *chickni* while themselves being unaware of their divine beauty, perfaaact hair style, smartest tightest clothes.. JEANS preferably.. and then ohh yes how can i forget.. a KAALA chashma (sunglasses)... :D

6. I hate it when guys fail to notice their abs of fat bulging out from the sides of their waist, but want their GAARLfrends to be the ultimate skinny sexies of the planet. :P
If you dont wanna work out, then neither do we... LEts make the worlds a fat globe of mayo, cheese, fat n OIL.... TOGETHER ;)

7. Chest hair!! Wtf! Guys who think that they look sexy when they have half-buttoned shirts with sticky black muck of grass peeking from every imaginable corner...
Makes me wanna run away to the balds :D.. and certain girls who do find the chest hair sexy.. well get it right you guys... Only upto a certain degree...
NAWWt a choking ball of fur making you look more gorilla like than you already are. So get it WAXED... Yes its gay but just DO IT!
or... get a front CLOSED shirt so that we can be spared the sight :P

8. I hate it when guys end up a relationship and when they have nothing hurtful to say, they call her a slut.. Just to piss her off... Cuz ofcourse, you call a girl THAT and you will definitely get some response :D :D

9. I hate it when guys hug their guy friends and after they are done hugging..keep their arms around them!!
These public displays of affection are okay upto a certain limit :D

10. I hate the guys who have a zilllion friends (girls), but would themselves turn into the idiotic, possessive freaky, jealous boyfriends when their girlfriends do the same :S :P

11. Guys who watch mushy movies or watch hindi films and listen to mushy bollywood music in secret.. but the minute they are in public, they act as if Dude! this is sooo LAMO! Same goes for guys watching saas bahu and then abusing Ekta Kapoor.. HAHA Admit it! The mushy stuff isnt bad all the time...
Listening to metallica and Korn would not satisfy your romantic needs :D

12. And finally... I hate it when they go crazy while watching football, cricket, kabaddi, hockey.. etc etc
but when the girls watch something girly, make sure to ridicule them until they stop (which they dont) :P
I mean comeon, YOU LIKE sports.. we like CLOTHES.. Chill ! ;)
Ever seen a guy when he is watching football? or playing on his PS?? I have!
They "drool" in the same way we do while shopping.. but na na na... its us that are funny while buying clothes :D
Backoff.. World the fabric *fantasies*! :P

Friday, September 11, 2009

Its a bittersweet symphony of life =)

Ever come to the point when you just want to quit everything, get into a secluded corner and just stop giving a crap??
Well If you start feeling that you are the only one special enough to feel this way then you might be wrong. Its human nature, to be unhappy with the present and to dwell either in the past or in the future. It was the tragic flaw that I had too in myself, took me long to discover that there are others around with even more pressing problems.
My dada (grandpa) always used to say, "look at the ones below you, and not at the ones above you, that's the key to happiness"

And yes I completely agree with this. Life is beautiful. No matter how much it sucks at present, it would be the future's past, and we will remember it and cherish the moments.
And there is just one thing that makes us hate our present, that is the demon inside of us. Well for the atheists too, its not the literal demon, I mean the evil. The unhappy side of us which tries to maintain its hold onto us. Ever noticed why there is always a period of strange uneasiness after laughing out hard previously?, its because of the same reason. We, the humans are destined to be sad ultimately. That is our hobby, that is our destiny. The only way to defeat the sadness in my opinion is to forget that we have a biological clock. It was made to trick us. To make us stay in our sad states (of past, present or future) and prevent us from entering into our happy place.

We always owe something to others. To some we owe hatred ;), to others we owe love and respect, and yet there are some to whom we owe nothing. Humans are all interlinked in my opinion and that is the key. To try to figure out what we owe to others. To stay happy we need to forget what others owe to us, and start counting what we owe to them.
Its a cliche' term, "to stay happy in the happiness of others". But that is the crux of life i have taken so far. And oh yes, the most important of all which a friend of mine taught me a long time ago, and took me almost eight years to practically apply it to my own life, "Live and let live."
Nobody can mess up my life, except for the one who does not let me live. And i will not have a problem with anybody who leaves me the way i am.
Try mixing salt and sugar, its pathetic in taste. But you keep on tasting it and you start loving it. Try sprinkling sugar on lemon, squeeze the juice out. You will make ugly contorted faces, you will shrug and shiver, but in the end you will smack your lips.. mmm yummy ... bitter and sweet... thats life...
a pathetic combination of salt, sugar and lemon! :P

Thursday, September 3, 2009

To get all the powers ;)

Well lately I have been totally hooked to "Heroes". It draws me to itself from its soothing indi music to the surreal concept of the show. Well for those who don't know its mostly about people with special abilities and powers, the paranormal. My favourite character is definetly Peter Petrelli but almost all the other characters are amazing and special in their own way. The reason why i believe that the show attracted me more was because i was always interested in "mad" or "crazy" as you call it. My childhood is filled with memories when i wanted to fly up high in the sky or wanted to do something thats out of the ordinary.
Lately however if i think about it, If i was given the option to have one power/ability I would most definetly choose the ability to travel back in time.
The most appealing attribute would be to go as far or as forward in time and make ammends for the mistakes. I, like everybody else has made a lot of mistakes, and sometimes these mistakes have come up with a high price. What a wonderful world it will be to go back and change it all. Eliminate the chance of some of the people I have met or get rid of other abnormalities ;)
But time travel is not the only ability appealing if you come to think about it. For instance, Being invisible at will! OOOO what a delight it can be if you start to imagine the impossibilities that it will solve. Escape from classes for once :P. Stay invisible and look at your crush for as long as you want without him knowing that you are ogling at him :D LOL. Well that was an exaggeration, and too stalker-like ;).
Mind readers ... ahhh the pain or the bliss they could experience ;) Know what people are thinking. Hear their thoughts. Trusting would become so much easier if you could do that ;)

But apart from all the charm that "heroes" and many other shows like that offer, I still come to one conclusion after all this; Life is all about learning from mistakes. Having such abilities can make your life easier, but i wonder where is the learning going to come from If we start trusting on them only. For instance, If I get the ability to travel back in time I'd tell myself.... DONT MEET THAT GUY :D :D DONT TRUST HIM :P
But uhhhh... here is the thing, how will I be able to ACTUALLY LEARN that trusting guys without a bit of solid ground could hurt you bad. See there comes the point which makes me happy with being normal and experiencing bad stuff in order to do good stuff in the future.
It not always about getting things done right sometimes, its about learning never to do the wrong things again.

P.S: What superpower would you like to have ? ;) (Just for the sake of fun)

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Whats with the blogs anyway???

Yeah i was just wondering...
Are the bloggers the good people or the actual mean and sulky ones who we have a problem with.. I mean the only reason why this world is a better place is because we don't tell the world about how bitchy we ourselves are, we just tell them buhooooo she screwed my life, or he destroyed me completely... :D
just wondering.. its a fake world. and that's why we like it so much ...
But who cares, its a happy place :P and a haven for most... well most of those who know that others care... (even if they don't).

Friday, August 28, 2009

Its a start ;)

Well I know how much i rant about my life to my best friend Aeish, and my sister.. they just cant take it sometimes.. I rant n Blabber till i don't have any energy left and then i rant some more... and by the end of it, the discussion ends with either them running out of the room screaming or them giving me an advice about starting a blog.. :D lol yeah thats how it all started..
and its not even the start of it..
It all started in 1989 when the godmother held a wand over me and said... OO her... since she is uh h she... id make her life a boon... yeah but she ended up saying doom instead.. :D
Bless my friends for bearing with me all the time.. and for those who dont... well this is dedicated to you.....
People turn out to disappoint you i have realized recently... It wasnt long ago when i considered myself to be the most blessed person in the world.. i mean, the one who has a gazillion best friends all with their own attributes :P.. you wanna talk about your fam or the most boring stuff in the universe.. KABOOM.. Aeish comes in... You wanna talk about Fun stuff Schzam (if its a word) Mia is here... n etc etc...
Mia was the first person in my life who used to adore me :D heheee... yeah i wasn't used to being followed around... it was mostly the other way round, with me following Aeish all the time. Four perfect years of being there for each other, arguing, making up, and then arguing some more...
and then it all started to crash... like a amm.. something... just crashed... I helped in making sure it went to the ground however, with my unforgiving attitude, unacceptability of the stranger that she had befriended... I deserved this, i know... No matter how right i was..
My principles lost me my friend... My nosiness lost me my first follower :P..
The worst part is, I could just let it all go if she had disappeared out of my life for good... but NO.. the godmother had to put her in my University.. ooo n in my class...
Its hard to forget that we used to be the best of friends, but its even harder when i know that i have to spend the rest of four years with her. I stay with her, i sit with her, i spend half the day talking on the phone with her, and yet there is this feeling of detachment.
This feeling of betrayal i have. I cant forgive her, I cant accept her.
And here is where it all ends, nowhere i.e.