Thursday, September 3, 2009

To get all the powers ;)

Well lately I have been totally hooked to "Heroes". It draws me to itself from its soothing indi music to the surreal concept of the show. Well for those who don't know its mostly about people with special abilities and powers, the paranormal. My favourite character is definetly Peter Petrelli but almost all the other characters are amazing and special in their own way. The reason why i believe that the show attracted me more was because i was always interested in "mad" or "crazy" as you call it. My childhood is filled with memories when i wanted to fly up high in the sky or wanted to do something thats out of the ordinary.
Lately however if i think about it, If i was given the option to have one power/ability I would most definetly choose the ability to travel back in time.
The most appealing attribute would be to go as far or as forward in time and make ammends for the mistakes. I, like everybody else has made a lot of mistakes, and sometimes these mistakes have come up with a high price. What a wonderful world it will be to go back and change it all. Eliminate the chance of some of the people I have met or get rid of other abnormalities ;)
But time travel is not the only ability appealing if you come to think about it. For instance, Being invisible at will! OOOO what a delight it can be if you start to imagine the impossibilities that it will solve. Escape from classes for once :P. Stay invisible and look at your crush for as long as you want without him knowing that you are ogling at him :D LOL. Well that was an exaggeration, and too stalker-like ;).
Mind readers ... ahhh the pain or the bliss they could experience ;) Know what people are thinking. Hear their thoughts. Trusting would become so much easier if you could do that ;)

But apart from all the charm that "heroes" and many other shows like that offer, I still come to one conclusion after all this; Life is all about learning from mistakes. Having such abilities can make your life easier, but i wonder where is the learning going to come from If we start trusting on them only. For instance, If I get the ability to travel back in time I'd tell myself.... DONT MEET THAT GUY :D :D DONT TRUST HIM :P
But uhhhh... here is the thing, how will I be able to ACTUALLY LEARN that trusting guys without a bit of solid ground could hurt you bad. See there comes the point which makes me happy with being normal and experiencing bad stuff in order to do good stuff in the future.
It not always about getting things done right sometimes, its about learning never to do the wrong things again.

P.S: What superpower would you like to have ? ;) (Just for the sake of fun)


  1. First, AMAZING POST..Totally AMAZING:D

    Second, I think you can Ogle at him even without being invisible, i can't imagine a guy who would have a problem being stared at by YOU:P (can you go back and recall sth related to the word OGLE?:P)

    Third, i totally agree with 'It not always about getting things done right sometimes, its about learning never to do the wrong things again.' *two thumbs up at that.

    Lastly, I would like to get into people's heads..people confuse me like HELL :p

  2. Good Post

    You sure have lot of fantasies gurl!!

    Time Travelling sounds so much fun, also other powers.

    BTW, did you heard the line from the Spiderman movie

    "With Great powers comes great responsibility"

  3. @Aeish
    Thankyeww :D
    and ofcourse being able to get into people's head would be like the best thing :D For you :P
    you could avoid your blunders :P

    @the survivor
    Thanks for liking it :)
    I avoid writing because they are mostly filled with such fantasies :P
    and ofcourse, who hasnt....
    That was the secret meaning behind the post... Life wouldnt be easier... It would be even harder :)
