Saturday, August 29, 2009

Whats with the blogs anyway???

Yeah i was just wondering...
Are the bloggers the good people or the actual mean and sulky ones who we have a problem with.. I mean the only reason why this world is a better place is because we don't tell the world about how bitchy we ourselves are, we just tell them buhooooo she screwed my life, or he destroyed me completely... :D
just wondering.. its a fake world. and that's why we like it so much ...
But who cares, its a happy place :P and a haven for most... well most of those who know that others care... (even if they don't).


  1. you know what? you think a LOT..don't let your mind wander this much, it'll get lost :P

  2. There are so many good happy blogs as well.. explore more and you would realize it. :-)

    ~~Happy blogging..
