Friday, September 11, 2009

Its a bittersweet symphony of life =)

Ever come to the point when you just want to quit everything, get into a secluded corner and just stop giving a crap??
Well If you start feeling that you are the only one special enough to feel this way then you might be wrong. Its human nature, to be unhappy with the present and to dwell either in the past or in the future. It was the tragic flaw that I had too in myself, took me long to discover that there are others around with even more pressing problems.
My dada (grandpa) always used to say, "look at the ones below you, and not at the ones above you, that's the key to happiness"

And yes I completely agree with this. Life is beautiful. No matter how much it sucks at present, it would be the future's past, and we will remember it and cherish the moments.
And there is just one thing that makes us hate our present, that is the demon inside of us. Well for the atheists too, its not the literal demon, I mean the evil. The unhappy side of us which tries to maintain its hold onto us. Ever noticed why there is always a period of strange uneasiness after laughing out hard previously?, its because of the same reason. We, the humans are destined to be sad ultimately. That is our hobby, that is our destiny. The only way to defeat the sadness in my opinion is to forget that we have a biological clock. It was made to trick us. To make us stay in our sad states (of past, present or future) and prevent us from entering into our happy place.

We always owe something to others. To some we owe hatred ;), to others we owe love and respect, and yet there are some to whom we owe nothing. Humans are all interlinked in my opinion and that is the key. To try to figure out what we owe to others. To stay happy we need to forget what others owe to us, and start counting what we owe to them.
Its a cliche' term, "to stay happy in the happiness of others". But that is the crux of life i have taken so far. And oh yes, the most important of all which a friend of mine taught me a long time ago, and took me almost eight years to practically apply it to my own life, "Live and let live."
Nobody can mess up my life, except for the one who does not let me live. And i will not have a problem with anybody who leaves me the way i am.
Try mixing salt and sugar, its pathetic in taste. But you keep on tasting it and you start loving it. Try sprinkling sugar on lemon, squeeze the juice out. You will make ugly contorted faces, you will shrug and shiver, but in the end you will smack your lips.. mmm yummy ... bitter and sweet... thats life...
a pathetic combination of salt, sugar and lemon! :P


  1. This was good!!

    Life is a mix of everything and we have to take in stride what it has to offer

  2. Where do you find purpose in this life you live? There is where I think one will find contentemnt and maybe some happinenss.

  3. @the survivor
    thanku and yes that is exactly my point... Life gets too much frustrating sometimes..
    We need motivations in those conditions :)

    indeed :)
